William Howard Beasley (Howard Live Oak LLC, Norman), Joseph Lee Rodgers (Vanderbilt University, Nashville), David Bard (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OKC), Kelly Williams (Oklahoma City University, OKC), Michael D. Hunter (Penn State), S. Mason Garrison (Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem)
Rendered fromnlsy-ace.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.William Howard Beasley (Howard Live Oak LLC, Norman), Joseph Lee Rodgers (Vanderbilt University, Nashville), David Bard (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OKC), Michael D. Hunter (Penn State University, State College), S. Mason Garrison Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem
Rendered fromfaq.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.S. Mason Garrison
Rendered frompublications.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.William Howard Beasley (Howard Live Oak LLC, Norman), Joseph Lee Rodgers (Vanderbilt University, Nashville), David Bard (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OKC), Michael D. Hunter (Georgia Tech, Atlanta)
Rendered fromabout.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.S. Mason Garrison
Rendered fromcollaborators.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.William Howard Beasley (Howard Live Oak LLC, Norman), Joseph Lee Rodgers (Vanderbilt University, Nashville), David Bard (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OKC), Michael D. Hunter (Georgia Tech, Atlanta)
Rendered fromnls-investigator.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.S. Mason Garrison
Rendered fromsoftware-and-support.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.S. Mason Garrison
Rendered fromfacilitating.Rmd
in NlsyLinks 2.2.3.